Kate Yoon's Stories
Kate Yoon posted 19 stories with 14 Likes in total.
We are all just carers of some children, nature, animals, parents, or people in different careers and different ownerships, far from the universe and other planets. we would look like versatile carers. So who cares if they are my pets or my children or your garden,,, we are all here to do our caring duty in some ways for some 100 years... with a few strict lines of mine n yours, how successfully we cared and rewared for... far from the universe, just hard working carers... like how we see ants or bees.
Written by kate yoon on 29, Dec 2024 at 01:15, Sun
World is flooding... due to too much water from melted iceberg...Too much rain here in Gold Coast when there should be bush fires around this time. Korea and France snowed heavily and Spain flooded badly... Storms n floods in China, USA, yet people do nothing. I guess all of us are depressed and suicidal since not much is done to address this life threatening issue !!!
Written by kate yoon on 30, Nov 2024 at 03:30, Saturday
Seoul, Busan and many other parts of the country have been breaking records for the longest streak of consecutive tropical nights, with Seoul having 28 such nights as of Sunday, according to the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). As the intense heat is forecast to persist for the time being, the regions are expected to continue setting new records every day. A tropical night refers to overnight temperatures remaining at or above 25 degrees from 6:01 p.m. to 9 a.m. the following day. - The Korea Times
Written by kate yoon on 22, Aug 2024 at 09:51, Thu
I was picking up my puppy pooh 💩 at soccer field playing fetching, I decided to fill the bag with litters. Puppies followed along while picking rubbish.
Written by kate yoon on 20, Jun 2024 at 12:03, Thursday
Tipping point means,,, when earth gets hotter by 1.5 degree, no matters what we do, even we reduce 100 percent of the carbon releases..., earth itself will make earth hotter and hotter by melting permafrost in Alaska and Siberia, releasing more carbon n butane as they melts, and same loop with forests 🔥 fire Carbon dioxide and methane are released into the atmosphere as permafrost melts.
Written by kate yoon on 17, Jun 2024 at 00:11, Monday
I no longer eat fishes unless they are farmed. Our Ocean is dying. Fisher men also kill dolphins, sharks, whales when they catch fishes with nets. One big whale co2 storing amount equals 1000 trees. Please watch this 6min video below.
Written by kate yoon on 05, Oct 2023 at 04:51, Thursday
Story Video
Story Video
Planting trees have never been this important !!! We only have 7 years till tipping point (2030), when it is too late to save Earth ! 8 billion people on earth plant one tree and maintain it to grow, we offset 0.6% on CO2 8 billion people on earth plant 10 trees, we offset 6% on CO2 8 billion people on earth plant 100 trees, we offset 60% on CO2 8 billion people on earth plant 166 trees, we offset 100% on CO2 That is Total one trillion three hundred twenty eight billion trees need to be planted to offset CO2 100% !!!! Even 30 % CO2 offset can delay tipping points by many years.
Written by kate yoon on 30, Sep 2023 at 09:06, Sat
Few ideas for global warming. 1️⃣ Plant 10 trees or plants. If you are renting or living in an apartment, consider planting in pots. 2️⃣ Use 100% disposable plastic bags at home and during beach cleanups. When going shopping, take them with you. 3️⃣ Power your world with solar panels. 4️⃣ Choose EV or Hybrid cars when you upgrade your car. 5️⃣ Choose drinks in can or glass instead of plastic. 6️⃣ Ask for paper bags and paper containers at shops to motivate shops to change.
Written by kate yoon on 30, Sep 2023 at 00:02, Sat
Approximately 80% of ocean litter consists of plastics, which gradually disintegrate into minuscule particles, which cause ocean to be acidic. Shockingly, a quarter of our seafood supply is significantly tainted by ingesting these micro plastics. This is of grave concern since we consume seafood and water, making us vulnerable to severe health implications such as reproductive system impairment and hormonal imbalances. Furthermore, marine creatures are also affected by these pollutants, compounding the ecological repercussions. Plastic should be exclusively employed for permanent or semi-permanent items, such as automotive and aircraft components, long-lasting containers meant for repeated use, and machinery and building materials designed to endure for over a decade. The utilisation of plastic in packaging, unless it can be guaranteed to be fully biodegradable, should be banned. Please do not buy plastics that you are going to put into the bin.
Written by kate yoon on 26, Aug 2023 at 11:13, Saturday
Serious plastic wastes in ocean and global warming issue. Ocean produce 50 percent of the oxygen yet it is becoming acidic by breaking down plastics thrown into ocean and this causes death of many marine animals and reefs. It is also disrupting the ocean's natural ability to absorb carbon and release oxygen at its regular rate.
Written by kate yoon on 13, Aug 2023 at 11:27, Sunday