Cashmere Village Pharmacy: 4 stories of Impact
On a recent trip to London, it was interesting to see a particular individual in the centre of London fight for the cause of biodegradable sustainable products in lieu of polyester and plastics. It seemed to be his own individual pursuit and it was peaceful in nature, but his points were duly noted by all passer-by's. Green Brand portrays a similar message, but the reach is far wider. Support this platform with your actions!
Written by Scanlan, John on 16, Jul 2023 at 01:58, Sunday
Permanent Employee of Cashmere Village Pharmacy
Helped out our maintenance person with trimming shrubs back from the shopping centre entrance to make sure it’s safe for families! We turned these trimmed branches and clippings into mulch which was placed back on the gardens to help retain moisture during long spells with rain and helps with weed control!!
Written by Elyse on 07, Mar 2023 at 23:49, Tuesday
Permanent Employee of Cashmere Village Pharmacy
Helped out Steve - cleaned some of the rubbish out of the garden beds.
Written by Admin Cashmere Pharmacy on 03, Mar 2023 at 00:10, Friday
Permanent Employee of Cashmere Village Pharmacy