Queensland Trust For Nature: 2 stories of Impact
Citizens for Refuge Ecology aims to utilize the power of citizen science to inform conservation activities on Private Nature Refuges throughout Queensland. Each year we run a series of four camps focusing on a diverse range of organisms including Plants, Mammals, Invertebrates, and Birds. Invert Adventure was a one night, 2 day invertebrate survey focused on learning about the diversity of insects, nematodes, spiders, and other invertebrates on this year's focal property, Dangerbridge Nature Refuge. We rotated through a set of guided activities led by QTFN and experts. There were over 742 observations of invertebrates with 248 species identified by 25 citizen (and expert) scientists. The data is available in iNAturalist - https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/dangerbridge-invert-adventure .
Written by Queensland Trust for Nature on 20, Mar 2023 at 01:17, Monday
Permanent Employee of Queensland Trust for Nature