I've been saving Native Bee's!
When I moved from Tasmania 2 years ago I had never heard of Native Bees. Tasmania doesn't have them as Big Bumble Bees were introduced by the Europeans and were too big for the native bees to compete with and they died off!
So I was so excited to learn about Native Bees up here that I did a workshop. Since then I have been telling people all about them. My Mum was devastated to learn that the have she found in a drain outside her house and destroyed was actually native bees...I found the evidence. Since then she has had native bee hives carefully removed by Bee Keepers.
Recently I noticed a broad of native bees on my neighbours fence. He is American. I asked him if he knew they were Native Bees and he said he thought they were wasps and he had been destroying them. I showed him my Native Bee book and explained they were stingless. He no longer gets rid of them.