If you are interested in planting native Australian trees, Trees R Us in Gympie have a huge range and the beautiful girls there know exactly what they are talking about.
At the Environtech Expo organised by the Gympie Council next to the Pumped Hydro stall were two Gorgeous Gympie Girls from Natives R Us. They brightened everyone's day with their pink tops, gum boots nails, knowledge of native plants and their bag of goodies. As well as information about which plants attract bees and a little plant to keep, was a little bag of dried lemon myrtle and a recipe for Lemon Myrtle Biscuits. I love to bake so this was perfect for me. I made Lemon Myrtle Flower and Butterfly Biscuits for my work colleagues.
Can we applaud the Pink Gympie Girls at Natives R Us, share and pay them a visit?
Natives R Us Nursery