I think this is exciting and thought provoking! Watch the video (Sound Up!)
I was walking through Post Office Square near where I often work and was actually noticing that bin chickens (white ibis) and feral pigeons were the only birds here. Then I heard a familiar trill sound I wasn't expecting. Whilst this little fella (Superb Fairywren) seemed to be away from his tribe, seeing him in the middle of the CBD brings hope, along with thoughts about how we need to make our cities more friendly towards biodiversity. Say by having more shrubbery and groundcover to provide protection, food and housing.
Brisbane has the Olympic and Paralympic Games coming in 9 years. Tourists and visitors will be expecting to see wildlife. Wouldn't it be wonderful if they could see some more iconic and unique species in the city!
I checked iNaturalist. Hardly any sightings recorded in the CBD. Just a couple near QUT in 2023.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 12, Jan 2024, Fri | 1 points