Cameron Tolmie's Stories
Cameron Tolmie posted 113 stories with 61 Likes in total.
On Saturday 14th October I watered the 6 seedlings I’d planted earlier this year. They are all growing nicely. You can see a Brisbane Wattle in the pics next to the pink ribbon on a stake. I also collected a bag of rubbish, rubbish that had been washed into the basin during the last storm a couple of weeks earlier
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 18, Oct 2023 at 00:59, Wednesday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
Supported John, Tony and Steve playing Div 6 cricket at Briggs Park in Palmwoods. I picked up some rubbish, and saw a number of birds! Magpies, plovers, a kookaburra, and most rarely..aGolden Duck!!
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 07, Oct 2023 at 22:36, Saturday
So much rubbish accumulating against fences on Warragul road, I suspect mostly from the construction site, shopping centre and local fast food restaurants. Felt great making a difference on a beautiful Sunday afternoon!
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 02, Oct 2023 at 23:31, Monday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
So much rubbish flows into our streams from gutters and stormwater drains. I picked up about 40 items just from this grill alone on Warrigal road. Collected a full bag from rubbish on the footpath nearby.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 02, Oct 2023 at 23:27, Monday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
My good friend Sameer showed me around the wonderful site at Tivoli Social Enterprises and their conservation park
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 20, Sep 2023 at 00:06, Wednesday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
I don’t normally discriminate…but I did today….I chose which pieces of rubbish I’d pick up, and left the others as only had one bag 😬 I’ll collect the rest tomorrow! Why?? I’m pitching in the Battle of the Founders event tonight! What is in the bag? I’ll unveil during the pitch!!
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 14, Sep 2023 at 06:04, Thursday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
Cleaned up the rubbish swept into the basin in the last rain, some 203 pieces. The young trees are growing well ❤️😊
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 02, Sep 2023 at 04:12, Saturday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
I watered the biobasin trees and planted a bottlebrush. Noticed lots of rubbish, will pick up next visit.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 30, Aug 2023 at 10:27, Wednesday
Until we can solve the production of disposable objects and wrappings, and until we change improve the behaviour of people who litter, some of us need to clean up, in the moment, so this rubbish doesn’t pollute and damage both our physical environment and our aesthetic enjoyment.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 22, Aug 2023 at 23:21, Tuesday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
I watered 7 of the surviving tube stock I’d planted in the two biobasins as there’s been little rain in the last few weeks. One was looking quite dry, but it’s still alive. I’d lost one when council had whipper snipped it when cutting weeds. Also pulled out a few baby glycine and cobblers pegs. I’ve decided to plant many more shrubs and plants to give the small birds some cover.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 20, Aug 2023 at 05:49, Sunday
A lot of rubbish near the bus stops in the Link road area. Will take a couple of trips to clean it all up.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 19, Aug 2023 at 03:43, Saturday
I find picking up rubbish therapeutic; it’s exercise, outdoors, an activity that is mildly stimulating (“what is that???”) but repetitive so it’s calming, and I know I’m doing good for the environment. 148 pieces picked up that won’t get into our streams and ocean. 💪❤️
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 30, Jul 2023 at 22:55, Sunday
Visited the biobasin and removed numerous baby glycine vines, and 3 large ones that were starting to cover the lomandras on the western side. Otherwise it is looking really healthy!
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 26, Jul 2023 at 09:07, Wednesday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
Revisited the Biobasin after some recent rain. More rubbish had been washed into the basin. Lots of plastic sadly.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 25, Jul 2023 at 12:24, Tuesday
I removed the last remaining large glycine vines from the lomandras in the biobasin. If these were left unchecked they’d overgrow all the vegetation. Doing this service frees up Brisbane City Councils time and money, but also saves vital biodiversity from being killed. Removing weeds by hand, by root also saves the use of poison.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 17, Jul 2023 at 05:37, Monday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
There is a worldwide push to plant more trees and vegetation in cities like London to not only cool temperatures but increase biodiversity. London has 21% tree cover, with the mayor committing to increase this by 10%. Involving the residents helps by not only reducing the costs of helping keep the plants alive, but improves their care and community ownership. This story’s photos show a newly planted tree and a request for locals to care for it. Another role this platform can perform!!
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 10, Jul 2023 at 22:56, Monday
On my recent trip to London I came across many different examples of making a difference, at an individual and business level. One of the first was the Oakleigh House Dental Practice, which has created a flower garden to encourage plant and insect biodiversity. Their website also has a great history of the house and area.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 10, Jul 2023 at 22:39, Monday