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of Repairing Our World
Revisited the biobasin on Miles Platting Road, removed regrowth of glycine vine. The trees are looking happy and healthy. Will return as more vine in the lomandras.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 21, Feb 2023 at 04:58, Tuesday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
I took my car in for a Service at Joy Motors in Underwood on Friday morning, so had some time to kill. Went to Springvale Park where I spent 45mins removing mostly Monkey Rope vine, with small amounts of passionfruit and Gylcine vine from Casurinas, two eucalypts and a Wattle. Lovely hearing an Eastern whipbird as I worked.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 17, Feb 2023 at 22:38, Friday
I was in Stones Corner to pick up a music book for my daughter. I remembered there is some great restoration of native trees along the creek. A big shout out to Buranda Bushcare! I counted three nest boxes. In the first photo look for the possum tail hanging out the hollow ❤️😊. I spent 30min picking up rubbish along the banks.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 16, Feb 2023 at 06:58, Thursday
Nice evening for a walk around Kippa-Ring and Newport
Written by Troy Ryder on 15, Feb 2023 at 10:19, Wednesday
Below the Hinze Dam wall is a lovely park with a huge fig and Hoop pines, called Mottee Court Park. Some passion fruit vine was established in one of the garden beds. Pulled out some 5 vines by the roots. We don’t need poisons!
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 13, Feb 2023 at 20:09, Monday
Went for a lovely morning walk at Hinze dam. Some vine infestations. Removed some glycine vines from the lomandras at the lookout and about 10 seedling vines. Also saw the biggest bee I’ve ever seen! Size of a 50 cent piece. She’s called a Great Carpenter Bee, see the video below 😊🐝
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 12, Feb 2023 at 06:05, Sunday
Thought I’d enjoy the sunshine and do some exercise by going for a walk and pick up rubbish along the way. Sadly, such a variety of rubbish.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 10, Feb 2023 at 00:42, Friday