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of Repairing Our World
Visited the biobasin and removed numerous baby glycine vines, and 3 large ones that were starting to cover the lomandras on the western side. Otherwise it is looking really healthy!
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 26, Jul 2023 at 09:07, Wednesday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
Revisited the Biobasin after some recent rain. More rubbish had been washed into the basin. Lots of plastic sadly.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 25, Jul 2023 at 12:24, Tuesday
I removed the last remaining large glycine vines from the lomandras in the biobasin. If these were left unchecked they’d overgrow all the vegetation. Doing this service frees up Brisbane City Councils time and money, but also saves vital biodiversity from being killed. Removing weeds by hand, by root also saves the use of poison.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 17, Jul 2023 at 05:37, Monday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
On a recent trip to London, it was interesting to see a particular individual in the centre of London fight for the cause of biodegradable sustainable products in lieu of polyester and plastics. It seemed to be his own individual pursuit and it was peaceful in nature, but his points were duly noted by all passer-by's. Green Brand portrays a similar message, but the reach is far wider. Support this platform with your actions!
Written by Scanlan, John on 16, Jul 2023 at 01:58, Sunday
Permanent Employee of Cashmere Village Pharmacy
There is a worldwide push to plant more trees and vegetation in cities like London to not only cool temperatures but increase biodiversity. London has 21% tree cover, with the mayor committing to increase this by 10%. Involving the residents helps by not only reducing the costs of helping keep the plants alive, but improves their care and community ownership. This story’s photos show a newly planted tree and a request for locals to care for it. Another role this platform can perform!!
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 10, Jul 2023 at 22:56, Monday
On my recent trip to London I came across many different examples of making a difference, at an individual and business level. One of the first was the Oakleigh House Dental Practice, which has created a flower garden to encourage plant and insect biodiversity. Their website also has a great history of the house and area.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 10, Jul 2023 at 22:39, Monday
Last day in London! What an amazing trip! I’ll post some more stories soon. I’m full of positivity as my flight approaches. I spent 30min picking up some more rubbish in the streets around our accommodation. I counted 92 seperate pieces, mostly plastic and smoking related. As I left I came across another group picking up rubbish! Long story short, LD Care services have a residential building close by and once a week a volunteer and residents pick up rubbish…..a future potential user group for the platform!!
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 06, Jul 2023 at 12:40, Thursday
Picked up some rubbish on the way for a coffee with my Aussie cricketing friends
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 29, Jun 2023 at 08:15, Thursday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
Here we are in London! First impressions tell me (at least in Isleworth), there is an awful lot of rubbish in the streets and they let the grass grow quite tall, and when I say grass, it’s grains like a wheat or barley! This verge below would be providing food for insects and birds, and is much better for biodiversity than a lawn. The locals tell me this is a council failure….but I like it
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 27, Jun 2023 at 11:04, Tuesday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
Our current housing crisis doesn’t only affect humans. At least 300 Aussie species of animals rely on tree hollows for shelter and nesting. Planting new trees to replace old ones with hollows doesn’t help for many decades. So artificial nestboxes can help our Aussie animal families. I’ve just picked up a Rosella nest box and a micro bat home! Follow me as I take them to Toowoomba to install in trees at my parent’s home.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 08, Jun 2023 at 03:18, Thursday
Permanent Employee of Eric Tolmie Memorial Page
Another instance of people eating their KFC food and then just leaving their rubbish on the street. Happening all the time in my neighbourhood sadly. Ended up collecting two bags worth of rubbish - mostly fast food wrapping, plastics and cigarette butts and boxes. I read the latest KFC Corporate Sustainability Report. I wonder if companies like KFC would be open to having their staff clean up their local areas on a regular basis??? Would be good marketing and demonstrate their impact.... Food for Thought.....
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 06, Jun 2023 at 23:55, Tuesday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
So, I came back to clean up the rest of the Singapore daisy infestation and the wonderful ground staff had cleaned up most of the remaining plants and removed the waste!! Well Done Dovetree staff!! Singapore Daisy creates a matt of roots and suckers, so there were a few stalks left, so I removed all that I could see. This is the small pile seen between the two grevillias on the left in the photo. But early detection before becoming too large an area, and prompt action and joint effort has stopped this infestation!! So Happy!!
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 06, Jun 2023 at 23:40, Tuesday
Permanent Employee of Eric Tolmie Memorial Page
Where my mum is now living, at Dovetree, there are lovely grounds with lots of native trees planted. As everywhere, weeds are invading. I noticed this single patch of Singapore Daisy, and no other infestations. So I spent an hour removing the weeds by the roots. Prevented its spread into and over the other native ground covers. I’ll come back another couple of times to make sure it’s eliminated. A bit of education and early intervention makes all the difference!
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 31, May 2023 at 04:05, Wednesday
Permanent Employee of Eric Tolmie Memorial Page
I picked up a bag of rubbish around my local area
Written by Charlotte on 27, May 2023 at 04:20, Saturday