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of Repairing Our World
Earlier this month I was walking through the car park and noticed multiple bits of rubbish scattered across the floor and decided to clean it up.
Written by Teiki Tangue on 28, Aug 2023 at 12:24, Monday
If you are interested in planting native Australian trees, Trees R Us in Gympie have a huge range and the beautiful girls there know exactly what they are talking about. At the Environtech Expo organised by the Gympie Council next to the Pumped Hydro stall were two Gorgeous Gympie Girls from Natives R Us. They brightened everyone's day with their pink tops, gum boots nails, knowledge of native plants and their bag of goodies. As well as information about which plants attract bees and a little plant to keep, was a little bag of dried lemon myrtle and a recipe for Lemon Myrtle Biscuits. I love to bake so this was perfect for me. I made Lemon Myrtle Flower and Butterfly Biscuits for my work colleagues. Can we applaud the Pink Gympie Girls at Natives R Us, share and pay them a visit? Natives R Us Nursery
Written by Summer on 27, Aug 2023 at 05:49, Sunday
Approximately 80% of ocean litter consists of plastics, which gradually disintegrate into minuscule particles, which cause ocean to be acidic. Shockingly, a quarter of our seafood supply is significantly tainted by ingesting these micro plastics. This is of grave concern since we consume seafood and water, making us vulnerable to severe health implications such as reproductive system impairment and hormonal imbalances. Furthermore, marine creatures are also affected by these pollutants, compounding the ecological repercussions. Plastic should be exclusively employed for permanent or semi-permanent items, such as automotive and aircraft components, long-lasting containers meant for repeated use, and machinery and building materials designed to endure for over a decade. The utilisation of plastic in packaging, unless it can be guaranteed to be fully biodegradable, should be banned. Please do not buy plastics that you are going to put into the bin.
Written by kate yoon on 26, Aug 2023 at 11:13, Saturday
Until we can solve the production of disposable objects and wrappings, and until we change improve the behaviour of people who litter, some of us need to clean up, in the moment, so this rubbish doesn’t pollute and damage both our physical environment and our aesthetic enjoyment.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 22, Aug 2023 at 23:21, Tuesday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
I've been saving Native Bee's! When I moved from Tasmania 2 years ago I had never heard of Native Bees. Tasmania doesn't have them as Big Bumble Bees were introduced by the Europeans and were too big for the native bees to compete with and they died off! So I was so excited to learn about Native Bees up here that I did a workshop. Since then I have been telling people all about them. My Mum was devastated to learn that the have she found in a drain outside her house and destroyed was actually native bees...I found the evidence. Since then she has had native bee hives carefully removed by Bee Keepers. Recently I noticed a broad of native bees on my neighbours fence. He is American. I asked him if he knew they were Native Bees and he said he thought they were wasps and he had been destroying them. I showed him my Native Bee book and explained they were stingless. He no longer gets rid of them.
Written by Summer on 20, Aug 2023 at 07:37, Sunday
I watered 7 of the surviving tube stock I’d planted in the two biobasins as there’s been little rain in the last few weeks. One was looking quite dry, but it’s still alive. I’d lost one when council had whipper snipped it when cutting weeds. Also pulled out a few baby glycine and cobblers pegs. I’ve decided to plant many more shrubs and plants to give the small birds some cover.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 20, Aug 2023 at 05:49, Sunday
A lot of rubbish near the bus stops in the Link road area. Will take a couple of trips to clean it all up.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 19, Aug 2023 at 03:43, Saturday
Hi there! This is my first post. I love to have fun recycling and turning trash into treasure! I am a Nurse and over the past 18 months I have been saving all the lids off the vaccine vials. The purple lids are from Pfizer vaccines. I then made a mosaic of the Walter Taylor Bridge in Indooroopilly which is opposite my work. To me it symbolises that we are protecting the people of Indooroopilly. However, i took it to a recent school fair and the kids thought it was a castle!
Written by Summer on 18, Aug 2023 at 05:00, Friday
Serious plastic wastes in ocean and global warming issue. Ocean produce 50 percent of the oxygen yet it is becoming acidic by breaking down plastics thrown into ocean and this causes death of many marine animals and reefs. It is also disrupting the ocean's natural ability to absorb carbon and release oxygen at its regular rate.
Written by kate yoon on 13, Aug 2023 at 11:27, Sunday
I find picking up rubbish therapeutic; it’s exercise, outdoors, an activity that is mildly stimulating (“what is that???”) but repetitive so it’s calming, and I know I’m doing good for the environment. 148 pieces picked up that won’t get into our streams and ocean. 💪❤️
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 30, Jul 2023 at 22:55, Sunday